The Arlington Tree Committee was established in 2010 by the Arlington, MA Select Board.

To promote the protection, planting, and care of trees in Arlington.
Support the town Tree Warden
Protect our existing tree canopy
Expand the town tree canopy by increasing tree planting, target heat islands
Promote community awareness of trees and their benefits
Provide a website about trees and town services related to trees
Provide information about tree selection, planting, and care
Maintain a list of recommended trees
Raise funds to support the Tree Committee’s mission
Support the use and enhancement of the town's street tree inventory view map
There are several ways you can help to enhance the tree canopy in your neighborhood:
Participate in the town's new pilot 'back-of-sidewalk' planting
Purchase a reduced-cost tree delivered via the Community Canopy Program
Use the Recommended Tree list to find a tree at a local nursery
Request a town street tree
Arlington's town tree bylaw - protecting trees on private property
An inventory of Arlington's street trees was conducted in 2017 to determine the number of town trees, their species, size, and condition.
The tree inventory is updated as trees are planted or removed.
The tree inventory is used by the Town Tree Warden for tree maintenance and management.
See the Public Tree Inventory Map.
To request a street tree or pruning/removal, contact the Request Answer Center